Monday, November 1, 2010

Obama's trip & the Great Indian dream

The much awaited trip of "the American President" Barack Obama is now less than a week away.And as has always been the case,there is much hoopla about this trip of an American President to the Indian Subcontinent.The stature of an American President is such that it always attracts attention,whether justified or not.This trip is seen as crucial in the light of the recent issues cropping up between the two countries,especially on the fronts of Outsourcing,Foreign Policy,Nuclear Deal and the likes.It also comes at a time when the US is having confrontations with China every other day on issues such as freedom of the Internet,or the hunt for new Energy rich geographies,or the long standing trade and currency disputes between the torch bearers of the new World Order among many others.

The buzz in the media circles,political community,business fraternity and the likes,about this trip,however,defies the long standing issues brewing among the two countries.Many see this trip as the recognition of India by the US as an emerging World power.Others(in India),see this trip as a step by the US to project India as a counter the rising Chinese influence in the continent and in the World affairs.Whatever may be the purpose of this trip,the outcome is more of obvious.The flagging American economy is more than a concern for the US administration.To provide a fillip it needs to create demand for its products outside the country as the demand in US itself is stagnating.And India appears well-placed to fulfill this need of America.A trillion-dollar plus economy,a 300 million strong middle class(and growing),continuing 8% plus GDP growth are more than just attractions for any market-oriented economy,including the US.Add to that,the recently implemented Nuclear Deal,the ever growing Indian defense sector(to catch up in the arms race with China & Pakistan),the whispers over a possible opening up of Multibrand retail sector of India,all these factors gives US companies Multibillion dollar opportunities in India.This boosts the prospects of the American exports and creates jobs back home,thereby fulfilling Obama administration's political interests.For long,the US has been a representative of the democratic values.But at the same time it has also been carrying the badge of a crony capitalist,hegemonic state that formulates actions driven by the interests of its industry.And this case appears no different.It is expected that on this trip Obama is going to make as strong case for American companies deeper penetration into Indian markets.Therefore,it is safe to assume that under the current Obama administration,India is an object of commerce.T he ever increasing US aid to Pakistan also needs to be seen in this perspective.For US,strong ties with India augurs well for its commercial interests,but at the same time it also sees Pakistan as a strategic ally in its fight against terror.And therefore time and again Indian concerns over the (mis)use of the aid against India by Pakistan have often been dispelled.And it is disheartening to see that India still hasn't been able to use state policies as a measure to make its presence felt.As long India keeps on ignoring the need for a proactive foreign policy and aggressive economic policy(like China),the effects will continue to be detrimental for our own long term interests

India sees a partner in US that can help it gain stature on the World stage.But I'm afraid that the Indian leadership is failing to understand somehow that the expression of superiority on the world stage is something that we need to be showing our acumen in and not depending on others to help us achieve goals that clash with their own vested interests.

So on this note,guys get ready for the Diwali bonanza this year in the form of an American President's state visit to India.

Welcome Mr.Obama!!

And as has been the Indian tradition,we greet you with the same spirit


Cheers to the Indo-American friendship(?)!! Long live the Great Indian Dream....

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